Milky Way Over Ribblehead Viaduct

Geoff Moore on Sun 30 May 2021

  • Image Title: Milky Way Over Ribblehead Viaduct
  • Pentax K-1 Camera used:
  • Pentax DFA 15-30mm f/2.8 Lens used:
  • 20mm Focal length:
  • f/2.8 Aperture:
  • 30Sec Exposure time:
  • 3200 ISO:

What was supposed to be a leisurely 3 or so day photography excursion to the northern states this bank holiday just gone, unfortunately was cancelled at the eleventh hour.

At the 12th hour Mark and I decided to go up for a single overnighter at Ribblehead Viaduct in order to capture the milky way arching over it. So late Sunday afternoon we took the 3 hour drive up risking the perils of the British Bank holiday road traffic.

Arriving at the car parking area we were surprised to find the location teaming with camper vans, and day trippers, still who could blame them the weather was amazing. We got chatting to another photographer, a chap by the name of Francois who should be creating a flickr account as I type this up, who asked if he could join us. Having gathered our camera equipment and donned our walking boots the 2 now 3 of us made our way out into the wilds to get the perfect spot.  It was well in to dusk and the first stars were starting to appear when we realised that were in fact in the wrong location facing the wrong direction. What ensued was a chaotic scene similar to those found in disaster movies. A disarray of bodies, with everyman for himself. Cameras being packed away and tripods being torn down in end of the world fashion

We made a mad dash back to the main path, then down and under the viaduct to the other side in hopes of finding a vantage point, getting setup and enjoying the rest of the evening With only a few mins before the shooting should start, I was left with a composition that really wasn't what I wanted. But it was better than no image at all.

I hope you like the image regardless.

Milky Way Over Ribblehead Viaduct
  • Image Title: Milky Way Over Ribblehead Viaduct
  • Pentax K-1 Camera used:
  • Pentax DFA 28-105mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens used:
  • 20mm Focal length:
  • f/2.8 Aperture:
  • 30 Sec Exposure time:
  • 3200 ISO:

How to get here

Enter your starting location on the box provided under the map to see the route from your starting location to Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire

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